Featured Poet: March 2010 Vol. 3 #3

Sarah McCartt-Jackson

Sarah McCartt-Jackson


McCartt-Jackson hails from the Bluegrass State and is a graduate student in the MFA program in poetry at Southern Illinois University of Carbondale where she also teaches creative writing.  In 2009, she was the runner-up for the Academy of American Poets Prize at SIUC.  She currently serves as the poetry editor for Sunsets & Silencers online literary magazine.







Interlude – (for Domestication)


These moments happen.  Suddenly –

a stitch drops off

  the needle, bares cold the metal.

Those clacking sounds. Cease.


And when you look through

   yourself in the mirror, the silver

sheet is only an ugly face.  A thin lip. 

       A pleat creased,


   starched into another pant leg.


There is no lace

    in the hinge of your knee.

  But there is yes

flat as linoleum, yes graver

          than a diamond,


Yes in a cattail grating

on the sleeve of a reed.



~originally appeared in Monolith




Double Wedding Ring


The water surges and raises the silt,

which lines the valley bellies with yellow slurry. 


As mud eddies inside the hearth

and coagulates the fireplace ashes,


Ora remembers her own wedding

like sweeping a broom through bloodroot,


their marriage the splink

of rust-warm rain on a tin roof,


his touch like goldenrod pollen

in the small space between her legs.


Her yes was the bell of jonquil cones,

his voice a hubcap rattling with gravel.




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