Press News
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Our very own poetry editor Mark Jay Brewin Jr. cleaned house on the Agha Shahid Ali Poetry Prize at the University of Utah Press this last fall with his forthcoming book of poems, Scrap Iron (Kathleen Graber, author of The Eternal City, was the contest judge). Everyone here at the press is pleased as punch and looking forward to its release this March/April.
(click the image to order your copy)
Congratulations to former Saxifrage Poetry Feature, Amie Whittemore! She was just listed as one of the finalists for this year's Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship. That list is short, and it is a great honor. We're proud to have had her here first at Saxifrage.
James Crews, winner of the 2010 Prairie Schooner Book Prize in poetry (and a Featured Poet at Saxifrage), has his first collection of poems, The Book of What Stays, available for pre-order at a discounted rate (release date is in September)! It's a fantastic book of poetry, and we are pleased as punch to have featured him here at our little journal.
Congratulations to Kerry James Evans (Saxifrage Press’ first Featured Poet), who has struck a deal with Copper Canyon Press! They will be publishing his first collection of poems, Bangalore, which contains the three poems posted in the feature! Check them out, and be sure to get a copy of his forthcoming book!
Coming soon, Art Features! Please see submission guidelines for more information.
Summer of Fiction starts off by Rick Pechous joining the Saxifrage Press staff as the resident Fiction Editor and was followed shortly by the addition of Mark J. Brewin as the incoming Poetry Editor! Submissions are being accepted for both fiction features and poetry features! Please see submission guidelines for more information.