Oct 23 2013

Featured Artist: October 2013 Vol. 5 # 13

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carolineMorgan_profileCaroline Morgan
Troy, NY
Email: carolinemorg@gmail.com

Caroline Morgan was born and raised in Manalapan, NJ. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Providence College in 2012. Painting landscapes for Caroline is not just a way to show the world around her, but rather a method of interpreting the world. As she recalls her travels, she transforms images of the natural world into a new fragmented surface of abstract shapes, painterly colors and textures, and sudden or mysterious perspective breaks. Caroline has recently moved to Troy, NY. She is working at Sorelle Gallery in Albany and teaching art classes at Art Smarts in Latham. Caroline continues to explore the new landscape around her and find new influences for her work.

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Jul 15 2013

Featured Artist: July 2013 Vol. 5 # 12

classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui>

marianChristy_profileMarian Christy
Boston, MA
Artist Marian Christy of Boston is pioneering a dynamic, signature invention, Knifed Watercolors. Rather than using conventional brushes, she creates her dramatic scenes with a palette knife. Her immediate focus is to establish a thoroughly modern watercolor style that is strictly American in origin. Her ultimate focus is to maker her contemporary signature a new Expressionist/Impressionist style. This startling style, in the works for nearly eight years, demonstrates that watercolor can become very modern, very imaginative in a way that startles the eye and tells a little story. A Christy knifed triptych is in the permanent collection of The New Britain Museum of American Art. She has a Puffin Foundation grant. Christy has published four books and was a columnist for The Boston Globe for 26 years.
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May 15 2013

Featured Artist: May 2013 Vol. 5 # 11

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Alexander Percy
New York City, USA
Email: alexanderpercyart@gmail.com
Website: www.alexanderpercy.com

Born in Puerto Rico, Alexander Percy demonstrated a passion and aptitude for drawing and graffiti from an early age. He completed his studies at the University of Puerto Rico with a degree in painting and art history. From 1998 to 2005, his work was displayed in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. In 2005, Alexander moved to New York City, where he has been living and working since. He has been invited to several art fairs and exhibitions in and outside of New York, including the ICA Fair (International Caribbean Art Fair) in 2007 and 2008, Art Shanghai ’08 in China, ArtBasel ‘08 in Miami and ArtHamptons 2011. Alexander's pieces are held in private and public collections worldwide.


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Apr 14 2013

Featured Artist: April 2013 Vol. 5 # 9

Rezzan Erguvan-Onal
Malatya, Turkey
Email: rergonal@hotmail.com
Website: Rezzan-Erguvan-Onal

She was born in Mersin, Turkey in 1969. She is a painter and medical doctor (pathologist). She was graduated from Hacettepe University Medical School in 1994, and then specialized in Pathology in Inonu University Medical School in Turkey. She did not have an education of art. She travels with her husband and son all around the world on her holidays. She takes photographes in different countries, and then paint them. She currently works as a pathologist in Malatya State Hospital, Turkey. She is an artist of www.turkishpaintings.com, www.fineartamerica.com and www.imagekind.com.

classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui> (Click Image to Enter Gallery)

Mar 15 2013

Featured Artist: March 2013 Vol. 5 # 7

classid="clsid:38481807-CA0E-42D2-BF39-B33AF135CC4D" id=ieooui>


Leila Namin
Worchester, MA – USA
Email: leilanamin99@gmail.com
Born in 1986 in Tehran, Iran, Leila Namin received her B.F.A in Painting from the Fine Art University of Tehran in 2009. She moved to U.S after that to experience being an artist in a bigger view and to be able to explore her art with more focus. She received her M.F.A from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Painting in 2012. For her successful work in MassArt, She was one of the six graduate students in Boston who got a review in the Boston Globe on August 2012. She currently lives and works in Worcester, MA.
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