May 15 2013

Featured Artist: May 2013 Vol. 5 # 11

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Alexander Percy
New York City, USA

Born in Puerto Rico, Alexander Percy demonstrated a passion and aptitude for drawing and graffiti from an early age. He completed his studies at the University of Puerto Rico with a degree in painting and art history. From 1998 to 2005, his work was displayed in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. In 2005, Alexander moved to New York City, where he has been living and working since. He has been invited to several art fairs and exhibitions in and outside of New York, including the ICA Fair (International Caribbean Art Fair) in 2007 and 2008, Art Shanghai ’08 in China, ArtBasel ‘08 in Miami and ArtHamptons 2011. Alexander's pieces are held in private and public collections worldwide.


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