Featured Artist: July 2013 Vol. 5 # 12
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Marian Christy
Boston, MA
Email: christy.marian@gmail.com
Website: www.marian-christy.com
Artist Marian Christy of Boston is pioneering a dynamic, signature invention, Knifed Watercolors. Rather than using conventional brushes, she creates her dramatic scenes with a palette knife. Her immediate focus is to establish a thoroughly modern watercolor style that is strictly American in origin. Her ultimate focus is to maker her contemporary signature a new Expressionist/Impressionist style. This startling style, in the works for nearly eight years, demonstrates that watercolor can become very modern, very imaginative in a way that startles the eye and tells a little story. A Christy knifed triptych is in the permanent collection of The New Britain Museum of American Art. She has a Puffin Foundation grant. Christy has published four books and was a columnist for The Boston Globe for 26 years.
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